Gene CarlGray Matter
Price: €13.00
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Gene Carl, solo piano: Pink Suite (1991):
I. Sun luck (04.04)
II. Candystripe (03.06)
III. Pagoda (02.04)
IV. Lotus eaters (01.12);
recorded in the Small Hall of Vredenburg Music Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 14 June 1993.
Gene Carl, solo piano:
Claremont Concerto (1987, revised 1991) (14.19);
recorded in the Small Hall of Vredenburg Music Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 14 June 1993.
Gene Carl, electronic tape, synthesizers, etc.: Kaddish (1991)
in memory of Deborah Feinberg-Hecht, for electronic tape, two synthesizers, ratchets, Zube Tube (14.37);
recorded in the studios of Sweelinck Conservatory, Amsterdam, 7 June 1993.
Gene Carl, electronic tape, synthesizers, etc.: Gray matter (1983, MIDI version 1991) (21.53);
recorded in STEIM studios, Amsterdam, 25 May 1993.