POW EnsemblePrice: €11.00 :
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Han Buhrs vocals, backing vocals, voice, live electronics; Luc Houtkamp computer, live electronics, tenor saxophone; Guy Harries vocals, backing vocals, flute, fife, computer, keyboards; Wolter Wierbos trombone, vocals; Nina Hitz cello.
Live in het Bimhuis, Amsterdam, 26 juni 2008
Studio bonus tracks with Joseph Bowie, trombone, vocals
Den Haag, summer 2007
In Western society it seems that security is God Almighty. Any hazard, coincidence, instability or even doubt is banned from our horizon. There is a strong collective urge to believe that modern technology will free us from peril - our prehistorical aspect of life. At the same time, we also know that it is often fun to deal with the unexpected, to sharpen our brains and our senses by dealing with situations that occur accidentally, to improvise our way out of an uncontrolled momentum. Why? Because it appeals to our basic instinct. This is precisely the thought that unites the POW-musicians: they pursue hazard, uncertainty and instability as a given fact. They regard doubt and instinct as useful colours to paint with. They never take anything for granted, and create a song out of any question mark. In this Homage to Hazard, The POW Ensemble plays songs of insecurity - songs that might create unease, but don`t deny reality!
1. het behoeft uiteraard geen toelichting aan wie u dat te danken heeft...
2. security
3. rimbaudrambo
4. 12:13 am - a room
5. this is to those
6. the loser
7. the tempest
8. one, two, maybe three
9. mood swings
10. it's a risky world
11. the fence
12. it’s a risky world